Kito Events

Please register for any of our Kito Events below. We look forward to having you learn some valuable information from our experienced team.

Kito is known for its quality products. Our users are an important aspect of Kito products' overall function and performance. We strongly believe in training our customers to use our products with safety in mind, and to develop a general understanding of our products. We provide several types of events year round for our customers, with each event having its own focus. 



 Develop a strong understanding of new Kito products and how to sell them. Receive hands-on training with a variety of electric, air, manual, and lever hoists. Join us and have FUN while you learn. If you can get there… we will take care of the rest! 




 Receive hands-on training from a qualified Kito leader. PHRS covers all current and recently discontinued electrical and air powered hoists. 
